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Hello my lovely readers,

I just wanted to update you all that the release date for Bound to You: Volume 3 is being pushed back to August 16th. I know it sucks major monkey balls, but I had to push it back because I recently lost some of my work. Unfortunately, I had to rewrite a good chunk of Volume 3 and there was no way I was going to finish and have everything edited in time for the 2nd, so I made the decision to change the release date. I’m sorry to those of you who have been patiently & impatiently waiting for Volume 3. Believe me when I say, I want this thing finished. Not because I don’t love the story, but because it’s stressful as hell when people are waiting on you. It has done horrid things for my health. 

I can happily tell you that Volume 3 is the longest volume and you will find a surprise at the end of the book. It’s something that I haven’t announce yet, but it’s definitely in the works of happening. 😉 I think you guys will be excited about it too. 

That’s it for me. I hope you guys have a wonderful day and try not to hate me too much because I really love all of you!

With that said, I leave you with a teaser a friend of mine made for Volume 3. 🙂

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